0010 #2

There is a subtle but present influence of the digital to the form language of Thomias Radin’s works. Embedded in the surreal and multidimensional aesthetics of his paintings, digital processes manifest especially in combination with the artist’s short films and filmed performances through »sampling techniques« (Beya Othmani) as known from digital music production. Numerous layers intersecting as if edited with Photoshop, the inherent filmic stretching or compressing of images including its natural technical glitches and sometimes even the insertion of post-internet symbols like emoticons –to name only a few– are formal approaches employed in Radin’s paintings to poetically convey questions and experiences of identity; of the self, of consciousness, of the mind and the body in the context of wide societal, political and historical issues and of the different epistemological ways that derive from it. The artist studied Fine Arts in Rennes and now lives and works in Berlin.
The artist‘s installation for »0010« features some of his most recent works: paintings, performance and short film.

Location: HANZ.STUDIO – Strausberger Platz 19 in 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
Exhibition running: JULY 23-AUGUST 6, 2020
© artworks are copyright of the respective artists. installation and event shots of NICOLAS BOETTGER.
The UdK graduate Dennis Rudolph lives and works in Berlin. His works –partly analog and partly virtual– contemporarily align into the traditional debate about the ‚paragone’ (Italian: comparison) of the art forms and simultaneously take the discussion to a new level. By combining both, painting and sculpting, through his multi-reality artworks, he abolishes this old rivalry to slightly relocate the strife to the dimension of debating forms of reality, whose relationship he examines and challenges. Rudolph’s rather traditional oil paintings are brought to life with corresponding virtual 3D paintings of sculptural nature which interact with the exhibition space in a Baroque illusionist manner through Augmented Reality. Or is the opposite the case and the physically not tangible painting is only manifested by the work hanging on the wall? The artist’s works function in both directions and thus create a continuous interplay between the parallel worlds of the physical and the virtual, the analog, and the digital.
The artist’s installation for »0010« features some of his most recent analog as well as virtual 3D paintings.