0010 #3 – the vaporwave issue
Vaporwave emerged in the 2010s as a music and visual art genre that is known for its influences by early internet culture and aesthetics – memes, web design, glitch art, anime, 3D-rendered objects and vectors are often to be found in the movement’s visual context. Characterized by its ambiguous combination of sunset nostalgia with satirical criticism in regard to the world wide web, technology and consumerism, Vaporwave forms a parallel to »0010«’s main emphasis: the observation of the digitization in art.
The 22 ultra-contemporary artists featured in »0010«’s issue number three – »the vaporwave issue« – work with a variety of media and techniques. Some with rather analog approaches that are often influenced by the digital, others that are inherently digital and find their feasible extension in the physical and many interplaying in between both poles in terms of content.
The group exhibition shows sculptures by Hannah Bohnen and Marina Zumi, video installations by photographer Lennart Brede and transmedial artist Anna Mirkin. Paintings by Grigori Dor, illustrator and fashion designer Mago Dovjenko, by uprising hotshots Anaja Hvastija Gaia, Nils Köpfer, Maily Nguyen, Adam Lupton as well as by graduate of Kunstakademie Düsseldorf Luc Palmer and multidisciplinary artists Selassie and Yorgos Stamkopoulos. Elaborate prints by Alizée Gazeau, Christiane Peschek and Joana Pratschke. Contemplative wall sculptures by Philip Hudgson Dorrel and performance artist Fette Sans, a neon work by Anna Nezhnaya, virtually extended paintings by Thomas Rhube and Ju Schnee, as well as a paperwork by Zina Isupova.
Involving the unique architectural and design elements like the checkerboard floor and the pastel walls of this issue’s venue in its concept (both alluding to recurring Vaporwave imagery), the nomadic exhibition series »0010« is again engaging with its new given exhibitional environment to create an all encompassing experience for visitors.
Location: Chausseestraße 131, 1. OG in 10115 Berlin-Mitte
Exhibition running: July 8-14, 2022
© artworks are copyright of the respective artists. installation and event shots of nils hansen. invitation/flyer design of lorenzo pradelli.